Walk into a supermarket and it is impossible to miss the assorted range of home cleaners stacked up on the shelves, some are chemical-free solutions promising the sensitive-nosed, freedom from allergic reactions and others come in convenient packs, optimised for small urban households.
For Lizol, the Reckitt Benckiser (RB) brand that has spent close to two decades in the Indian market, the fight against this crowd of challengers is not just another turf battle. The new brands not only threaten its crown, in the Rs 1,000 crore market (industry estimates based on Nielsen data), but also herald a changing
For Lizol, the Reckitt Benckiser (RB) brand that has spent close to two decades in the Indian market, the fight against this crowd of challengers is not just another turf battle. The new brands not only threaten its crown, in the Rs 1,000 crore market (industry estimates based on Nielsen data), but also herald a changing