The company's income from sales and services stood at Rs 15.83 crore during the first-half ended September 1996 as against Rs 12.12 crore reported by it during the corresponding period last year.
Its other income dropped to Rs 73 lakh during the first six months of 1996-97 from Rs 1.99 crore during the corresponding period last year. Total income improved to Rs 16.56 crore (Rs 14.11 crore).
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The company's expenditure increased to Rs 3.32 crore (Rs 1.9 crore).
The company's operating profits for the first-half ended September 1996 was Rs 13.24 crore (Rs 12.21 crore), while the interest cost for the period was Rs 25 lakh (Rs 29 lakh).
It has provided Rs 2.87 crore (Rs 1.89 crore) towards depreciation costs for the first-half of the current year.