Rashtriya Janata Dal MPs yesterday called on Lok Sabha speaker P A Sangma and demanded recognition as a separate group in the House. The demand is likely to be conceded, sources close to Sangma said.
The RJD has a strength of 16 MPs owing allegiance to Bihar Chief Minister Laloo Prasad Yadav. They presented themselves before the speaker. The RJD was formed after the Janata Dal split on July 5.
According to Ramkripal Yadav, RJD MP, the 16 MPs who called on the speaker included three ministers Raghuvansh Prasad Singh, Kanti Singh and Jai Narain Nishad. The speaker is expected to give a ruling on their demand for separate seats in the House.
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MA Fatmi, RJD MP, claimed that the party strength would shortly increase to 25.
Yadav said a fresh list carrying signatures of the 16 RJD members was submitted to the speaker as Janata Dal chief Sharad Yadav had disputed the previous list given to Sangma on the day of the split on July 5, alleging that the signatures were forged.
Yadav said the new party will elect its leader in the next two days. We are waiting for the speakers announcement recognising us as a separate group, he said.