1) Do I have to do it or can I let go of this chance to shop?
2) Do I visit an online store to buy a specific product but almost always end up buying multiple things, some of which I don’t even need?
3) If someone points this habit out to me or makes a remark about it, does it make me angry?
4) Do I try and hide this habit?
5) Do I have to shop despite the strain on my finances/relationships/health?
6) Do I shop because I am feeling sad/anxious/angry?
7) Do I feel relieved or excited while shopping and guilty later?
8) Am I constantly thinking of online sales and offers and feel terrible if I miss them?
9) Has leisure for me become restricted to browsing or shopping on e-commerce sites?
10) Am I spending time on online shopping sites at the cost of other work — at office or home?
Number of questions answered in “yes”:
6: SUGGESTIVE of an addiction
7: You are a POSSIBLE addict
8-10: DEFINITELY DIAGNOSTIC — you are clearly addicted to online shopping
ALSO READ: Are you a COP: Compulsive Online Purchaser?