The total traded value for this week was Rs 1267.78 crore.Tthe total traded value of corporate debenture was Rs18.58 lakh.
Being reporting Friday, the interest rates in the inter-bank overnight call money market ruled easy yseterday.
Money was available in the band of 0.10 per cent to 0.25 per cent, with hardly any borrowers.
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Security prices were reletively unchanged. In keeping with the trend the securities maturing at the shorter end, ie, in 1999 were active. In addition there was activity in the 13.50 per cent 1998.
Among the securities maturing in 1999 there was significant interest expressed in the 13.65 per cent and the 13.70 per cent.
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has taken the 13.65 per cent 1999 in which, of late, there was a lot of activity off the sale list.
This security was one of the most actively traded securities at a price of Rs 102.35. The RBI has put out one security maturing in each year maturing between 1999 and 2002.
The 12 per cent 1999 was being traded at less than the RBI sale price of Rs 100. At the same time there was also some activity in the zero coupon bonds.
In the corporate segment the Tisco SPN 1999 was traded for Rs 5.02 lakhs at an indicative yield of 18.45 per cent. Additionally, the IDBI deep discount 2021 was traded for Rs 1.01 lakhs at an indicative yield of 18.08 per cent.