There are nearly 23 million households headed by women in rural India, according to data released by the Socio-Economic and Caste Census 2011, higher than the census count of 17 million.
Of the 23 million, more than half (53%) depend on casual, manual labour, marginally higher than 51% of men-headed households. Put together, these figures indicate the extent of distress in rural areas.
Up to 24% of households headed by women are farmers (IndiaSpend and Khabar Lahariya had explored their lives here) as against 31% of households headed by men.
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Source: Socio-Economic and Caste Census
Number of Rural Households (left) and % of Women-headed Households (right)
Source: Census 2011; Socio Economic and Caste Census 2011
Nearly 79% (over 18 million) of households headed by women in rural India live on less than Rs 33 per day, compared with around 74% of households headed by men.
IndiaSpend had earlier reported how 670 million Indians in rural areas live on Rs 33 per day.
Source: Socio-Economic and Caste Census
While 94% of houses (around 21.7 million) headed by women live in owned houses, this is marginally lower than 95% of households run by men.
Source: Socio-Economic and Caste Census
Up to 29% of women-headed houses are kuccha (not solid). It is only here that they are better than men-headed households, nearly 30% of whom live in kuccha houses.
Only 47% of women-headed households live in pucca (permanent) houses, against 48% for men-headed households.
Having a pucca house is an indicator of a higher standard of living.
Source: Socio-Economic and Caste Census
(IndiaSpend is a data-driven, public-interest journalism non-profit)