"Green Buildings" are not new in India. India has always tried to incorporate green concepts in its structure and architecture. In India there has always been a scarcity of resources like water, energy, materials and also extreme weather conditions have made it a compulsion for India to follow a sustainable planning design and structure since decades.
India is one continent which never had the luxury of abusing its resources like the West. It always tried to preserve its scarce resources. So India never went too far from sustainable planning and living. The Indian style of architecture reflects a unique structure of sustainable living and environment friendly designs.
Green building is the practice of increasing the efficiency with which buildings use resources - energy, water and materials - while reducing building impacts on human health and environment, through better design, construction, operation, maintenance and removal - the complete building life cycle. Green Building is the concept of sustainable development. Also known as "high performance buildings," green buildings are intended to be environmentally responsible, energy efficient, economically profitable, and healthy places to work.
Many companies have made commitments to green buildings because green buildings attract and retain employees, reduce sick time, and in case study after case study, provide the platform for companies to achieve higher productivity from their employees.
After the trend of automobiles has rapidly increased in our country, it is translating to a lot of air pollution which has become a matter of serious concern of late. So how have the auto-manufacturers decided to stay under the cap of the word green or environmental friendly?
Green vehicles are powered by alternative fuels and advanced vehicle technologies and include hybrid electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, battery electric vehicles, compressed-air vehicles, hydrogen and fuel-cell vehicles, neat ethanol vehicles, flexible-fuel vehicles, natural gas vehicles, clean diesel vehicles, and some sources also include vehicles using blends of biodiesel and ethanol fuel or gasohol.
Several other also include conventional motor vehicles with high fuel economy, as they consider that increasing fuel economy is the most cost-effective way to improve energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions in the transport sector in the short run.