He has never bought a gadget that could not justify its worth, claims Anuj Khanna, CEO and chairman (executive committee), Affle.
What’s the longest time you have spent mastering any one gadget?
The iMovie HD on my Apple Macbook Pro took me the longest time to learn, before I could use it to make a movie for my girlfriend — now my wife — on Valentine’s day. It took me two weeks to learn and master that gadget, but it was worth it. Today, however, the image manipulation and transition functions of the iMovie HD on Macbook are my favourite features.
What do you regard as your first real gadget?
It has to be a remote-controlled helicopter that I had 15 years ago and, quite frankly, I miss it.
What is the perfect gizmo that you would choose for your family?
A videoconferencing tool to communicate would be perfect for my family members, since most of them are located in different parts of the world.
Is there a gadget that you have splurged on?
Yes. It’s a Sony LCD that I’ve purchased only recently for my room.
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What’s the geekiest thing you have ever done?
Well, just as an experiment, I have always managed to get a single paid Internet access shared on wireless networks in every hotel and conference room. This way my friends and family can easily hook up to the networks too.
What’s your smartest home gadget?
I got a smart card reader installed in my apartment, and nothing beats it.
How often do you buy gadgets?
I end up buying something every other month. A good digital camera is next on my list.
Is there a product that you like showing off?
I show off the SMS2.0 feature on my mobile phone. It provides me a personalised messaging experience, colour messages with fun emoticons and even schedules my SMS facility in my phone in such a manner that I can send messages at a designated hour while just setting a reminder. It’s a product that has been developed by my company and it allows users to send SMS to e-mails, graphic and other multimedia attachments.