Neetu Bhatia, co-founder, chairman and CEO of Kyazoonga, an online movie, cricket, entertainment and sports ticketing company, recalls separating components of her toys and studying their various parts when she was a child. She credits her present affinity for gadgets to this childhood habit. In fact, she believes that taking things apart and putting them back together is the hallmark of any true innovator.
Tell us about your latest gadget. Did you take it apart, the way you did with your toys?
(Laughs) I recently bought the 32GB iPod Touch and the iTrip Auto SmartScan FM Transmitter for my car. But when I tried to connect the iTrip to a particular frequency on the car radio, it didn’t work. Eventually, I managed to get it right. Now I enjoy the music of my choice with best-quality audio even when I am on the road.
What made you buy the iTrip?
It’s a popular and handy transmitter for iPod users. iTrip Auto makes playing and charging the iPod or even the iPhone in the car easier. iTrip broadcasts music from your iPod to an open FM frequency on your car’s FM stereo, so you can play your tunes through your car’s stereo speakers. SmartScan helps find the perfect frequency on radio.
Did you have any trouble setting it up?
I did not face any technical problems but it took me some time to fix the cord into the cigarette-lighter socket. It also took me a long time to set the iTrip to the right frequency on the car radio.
Should people customise their own gadgets or seek technical help from professionals?
Getting your hands dirty is possibly the best way to get to know your gadgets inside out. This also helps in learning a few hidden features of gadgets, which you may never come to know otherwise.
Do you like exploring gadgets before you use them?
All my gadgets, from the BlackBerry to my LCD TV and home theatre system, to name a few, have been installed by me. There’s nothing in my home, office and car that I have not explored. Still, I find that referring to a guide always helps.
Do you itch to install new gadgets by yourself?
Yes. No matter how complicated a gadget, I always want a firsthand experience. I try different combinations before handing it over to a specialist.