| Ranjan Chopra | Industry leaders reveal their technology habits.
What's in your pocket? A Blackberry. I just love it. It is amazingly user-friendly. It's like your office that works 24x7.
First crush? Apple Macintosh. Way back in 1985, I drew a man's face with Macpaint. The experience lured me into selling and servicing Apple Macintoshes for some years.
Latest squeeze? I freak out on jazz music and all that's on Riff channel, available through my World Space Radio. I have actually stopped using CDs completely because it's great to have a non-stop jazz DJ with you always.
What makes you mad? The thought of giving unsatisfactory services to my customers.
What would you most love to see? I would love watching a video on IP switch at the flick of a button; learn geography with tools like Google Earth; and download the content of history channel so that I could show my kids new ways to learn.
Your biggest tech disaster? When I practically lost all the business-related data on my notebook. One always thinks it happens to others.
If money was no object? I would love to have a plasma wall with Bose speakers that will make a state-of-the-art home theatre. This would ensure that I can thoroughly enjoy audio/visuals at their best.
PC or MAC? Mac, any day
Linux or Windows? Definitely Windows. I respect the spirit of rebellion but honestly think it is an uphill task.
Google or not? Can't live without Google. It's difficult to pass a day without reaching out for Google.
How wrong have you been? I was wrong when I did not believe in the dream "� having one PC per Indian house. I never expected Indian homes to have one PC, leave alone multiple PCs. But I am thrilled with this development in our country, even if it means saying aloud that I was wrong! |