Quantum technology is an emerging field of physics and engineering that leverages quantum mechanical properties. It has the potential to solve the most complex scientific and engineering problems. It will lead to a convergence of bits (classical), qubits (quantum), and neurons (AI-assisted programming) orchestrated through a hybrid cloud architecture.
In a recent study "The Quantum Revolution in India: Betting Big on Quantum Supremacy" NASSCOM and Avasant how India is poised to play a pivotal role in the quantum-technology revolution. The report is developed in consultation with over 25 experts in this field across all stakeholder groups, including technology and
In a recent study "The Quantum Revolution in India: Betting Big on Quantum Supremacy" NASSCOM and Avasant how India is poised to play a pivotal role in the quantum-technology revolution. The report is developed in consultation with over 25 experts in this field across all stakeholder groups, including technology and