Allsec Technologies, a third-party BPO offering both voice and non-voice services, expects to expand its operations in third party consumer and commercial collections considering its market potential. |
Adi Saravanan, founder and president, Allsec said that India was well positioned to take advantage of the higher growth happening in the US collections market. |
Quoting industry figures, he said that the collection agencies in the US had tripled their income in the last 10 years and about 6500 agencies in the US were earning $10 billion revenue. "Collection vertical is one of the largest vertical out of US and about 35 per cent of US business is in collection," he added. |
Stating that quantum of debts remain uncollected were huge, he said that the collection industry was emerging as a key growth area in future. |
Allsec, which has been handling third party consumer and commercial collections, has brought Tom Williams as vice- president - Collections on to its management. Williams, who has over 20 years experience in this vertical, will be based in Dallas, USA. Collections. |
Voice business accounts for 85 per cent of the revenue and non-voice for 15 per cent. Collection vertical presently contributes about eight per cent to the total revenue of the company. The company is also expected to add one of the largest Australian telecom company to its client's list. "We are doing a pilot project for them. It has the potential to grow as a very large account for us," director and CEO, J Ramamoorthi said. |
Allsec, at present, has a staff strength of around 1880 and has 11 clients. Over 90 per cent of its business comes from the US. |