Andhra Pradesh would achieve a turnover of Rs 1,00,000 crore through software exports in five years. At present, this is in the order of Rs 32,000 crore per annum, according to Narsimha Rao, Infosys centre head and president of the IT and ITES Industry Association of Andhra Pradesh (ITsAP)
Speaking at its technology day, he said the days of 30-40 per cent growth in IT and allied industries per annum were gone. It would grow around a sustainable 10 per cent. He said there was a lot of potential for the industy to expand in Hyderabad. The industry would continue to be a human capital-intensive one and a large number of jobs would be created in the state in five years in the sector.
Ramesh Loganathan, managing director, Progress Software India, said the IT industry had shown signs of growth in the recent months and also made significant recruitments.
The industry would need to continue the training modules while inducting the workforce into the ranks. The effort would be to move over to product innovation rather and promote entrepreneurship.
ITsAP would also encourage new talents and start-ups by supporting incubation centres.