The 12-hour bandh which brought Bangalore to a standstill has not affected the city's IT and BPO industry. This was possible due to a three-pronged strategy employed by the BPOs - postpone work that can be postponed, divert to other Indian centres work that can be diverted, and get Tuesday's night shift staff to continue at work till 6 p.m. today when the bandh is officially over. The smooth handling of the disruption in city life has been helped by the fact that most IT work can be slightly postponed and BPO work that cannot be usually peaks after 6 p.m. Most of the BPOs are focussing on support for clients' critical functions with 50% workforce earmarked for them and deferring support and enabling functions. "We have updated out clients on this bundh and they have been kind enough to support us on this issue. We are working at 50% strength to support client critical operations," a spokesperson for Infosys BPO which focuses more on non-voice business, said. |