BPL Mobile was looking at strategic partners, including a foreign one, to expand its operations in the country, a senior company executive said today. Without selling its stake or disinvesting, the company was looking for fresh investment from the partner for its expansion plans, Rajeev Chandrasekhar, chairman and CEO, BPL Mobile group, told reporters. The company, as part of its expansion plan, was investing Rs 700 crore during this fiscal, Rajeev said adding of this Rs 200 crore would be in Tamil Nadu, excluding Chennai. The focus in Tamil Nadu would be on improving coverage in existing towns and expanding coverage into 100 new semi-urban and rural towns through this fiscal, he said. The company was also introducing a new low priced handset package for Rs 1499, which was aimed at focussing on smaller less obvious markets, he said. Rajeev, here to participate in a function to mark the completion of eight years of operations in Tamil Nadu, said the company has invested Rs 4300 crore during the last eight years, with 14 mobile switching centres, over 2000 base stations and over 5000 km backbone networks. |