Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL) today said offers by private operators to Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd (MTNL) to carry its calls at rates that were lower than those prescribed by the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai) were a violation of the interconnect user charges (IUC) norms. |
At present, MTNL's calls are carried by BSNL and any decision by the former to allow another operator to carry its calls will result in huge losses to BSNL. |
BSNL executives said while the company could not insist on carrying MTNL's calls, it was illegal for the latter to use a private operator in lieu of lower charges. |
According to interconnect stipulations, the carriage charge for routing of calls is set at Rs 0.20 per minute for 0-50 km, Rs 0.65 per minute for 50-200 km, Rs 0.90 per minute for 200-500 km and Rs 1.10 per minute for distances beyond 500 km. |
The regulator allows a 10 per cent variation on the stipulated rates. |
"There has been no violation yet, but, we have come to understand that some operators have offered to carry MTNL's calls at nearly 50 per cent of the rates prescribed by Trai on certain distance slabs," a BSNL executive said. |
Even with a 10 per cent variation, private operators are required to charge a minimum of Rs 0.99 per minute for carrying a call beyond 500 km. |
"Some operators are offering bargains at Rs 0.60 per minute for calls beyond 500 km. This is a clear violation and is illegal," the executive added. |
Senior MTNL executives said the company had not entered into any agreement with private operators and had not violated the IUC norms. |
"We have already responded to BSNL on this. The issue will be discussed during the next consultation committee meeting between BSNL and us, and is likely to be resolved then," added an MTNL executive. |