Don't give him ultra-complex gizmos, for Jindal Intellicom CEO Sanjiv Garg prefers them toned down yet stylish. He doesn't need any of that gadget literature either, he can figure it all out by himself. And yes, he'll tell you where to find Apple CEO Steve Jobs' favourite gadget blog.
Is there a gadget you regret spending so much money on? I regret buying a Palmtop PDA a couple of years back, as all of the PDA functions like contact book, calendar, tasks and reminders soon got embedded in most cellphones.
What's the first thing you look for in a gadget? Ease of use. Any gadget that has complex menus and functions that are difficult to execute is not for me! A gadget functionality has to be self-explanatory and the less buttons the better.
Who's your one-stop gizmo guru? That would be Originally launched in 2002, Gizmodo is a popular technology weblog about consumer electronics. It has a worldwide presence including some country-specific websites as well. Incidentally, it is also Apple CEO Steve Jobs' favourite gadgets blog.
What gadget have you been waiting to buy? The iPhone, as and when it is launched in India.
Is there a gizmo that you wear on your sleeve? My BlackBerry 8120. My job requires me to be in touch by emails and instant message 24x7 and I don't think there's anything better than the BlackBerry platform for mobile email. On top of that, the 8120 is a stylish handset and includes a camera as well as multimedia capabilities.
What gizmo do you think is highly overrated? Ultra-compact laptops. The way overall electronic form factor is reducing, I don't think it is necessary to pay a premium and sacrifice screen/keyboard area for ultra-small laptops.
Is there a gadget you still haven't been able to figure out? I haven't been able to figure out how to use a Bluetooth headset along with my Sony Vaio laptop to make and receive VoIP calls.
How much gadget literature do you actually read? None. I enjoy figuring it out myself. Mostly I can make all functionality work without referring to manuals, and I get to know the gadget better.
Has there ever been a time when a gizmo had you so frustrated you wanted to pull your hair out? That was when I was trying to connect a new Nokia N95 to my laptop. |