Canada can offer technology in field of geomatics, geographical data sensing and processing, earth science, environment management and disaster management, experts of a Canadian delegation here said. |
Pak Chagarlamudi of the Candian company Natural Resources said joint projects on arsenic detection and geomatics and geospatial information gathering. |
A seminar on Canadian business opportunities were organised by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) here today. |
Canada could sell technology that would provide satellite images during floods within hours of occurrence or of other natural disaster to help relief work. |
Radarsat International, the Canadian company selling this technology, has been associated with National Remote Sensing Agency (NRSA) in Hyderabad on data and image technology. |
The Canadian government is working with the central department of science and technology for developing geospatial information technology as well. |
"We are in the process of developing 'national spatial data infrastructure' for India used for managing natural hazards," said Chagarlamudi. |
Under a memorandum of understanding (MoU) between India and Canada in the field of geomatics and spatial information, Canadian experts are working on arsenic contamination in collaboration with the Geological Survey of India (GSI). |
Detection of ground water in arsenic contaminated areas is on and a detailed study along with relevant mapping and analysis will be ready soon. |
The Canadian government has another MoU with the state government of Andhra Pradesh (AP)and Punjab for technology interconnecting geospatial data across different geographical locations relating to agriculture and natural hazards. |
It can give precise information on agricultural productivity, soil fertility and related aspects. |