Google search was hit by indexing issues which troubled users accross the world, including India. Complaints were raised as users struggled to find updated content in Google News and other search results. However, Google on Saturday said that the issue that prevented news stories from appearing in Google News, has been resolved.
Earlier, Google addressed the issue stating that, top Stories in Google News would primarily show stories from Wednesday and omit many posted on Thursday.
Google Webmasters also tweeted, "We're aware of reports of indexing issues that are impacting some sites.... We'll provide another update when we have more information to share."
Users from around the world took to Twitter and expressed their discontent over the issue. The feedbacks came majorly from people whose work relied majorly on Google indexing.
However. after hours of troubleshooting, Google webmasters updated the users stating that a large part of the issue has been resolved. Explaining the issue, Google stated the bug was mainly in the URL Inspection tool within Search Console.
Finally, the issue was resolved late into the night and thanking everyone for their feedback, Google Webmasters tweeted a 'calm weekend' to its users.
This issue is now resolved. Thanks for all your feedback along the way. Wishing you all a calm weekend!
— Google Webmasters (@googlewmc) August 9, 2019
Google experienced several indexing issues recently, with some lasting for a week in April and over three days in May.