Information technology hardware company HCL Infosystems on Thursday said it had bagged a Rs 300-crore order from the Indian Air Force (IAF) to deploy portable wireless network across various Air Force stations.
According to the contract, HCL Infosystems will deploy Wideband CDMA-based Portable Wireless Network (WCDMA), which will ensure video interactivity for video calls, cross connectivity with other communication platforms within the Air Force Network (AFNET), the company said in a statement. The WCDMA network will be integrated with AFNET, which was deployed by the same company.
“This being one of the key wins under our Defence System Integration Practice, further highlights the company’s vast understanding in various industry verticals,” HCL Infosystems Executive Vice-President Rothin Bhattacharyya said. The 3G network will also have transportable mobile base stations for establishing communication with higher echelons, even from remote locations in the country, it said. HCL Infosystems will implement the whole project on a turnkey basis.