If you could invent one gadget, what would it be? A completely secure gadget that cannot be hacked, with an inbuilt hardware intrusion prevention system. It would provide complete business solutions with a wide range of software applications. What is the most underrated gadget in the market right now? I think every gadget does have a purpose and hence I will not underrate a gadget. However, there are many gadgets for vehicle tracking, virtual-reality devices, which are underrated. What's the perfect gadget to help beat long-flight fatigue? A virtual-reality gaming machine which makes me feel like I am surfing in the Pacific Ocean, and can play intelligent games like solving a mystery, et cetera. Name a gizmo that was gifted to you and is among your favourites? That would be a robot. It performed most tasks as programmed and could recognise danger as a guard. What new gadget is bound to beat its competitors when it hits the market? A nano-cellphone that can be worn around one's wrist and performs all functions like emailing, SMS, et cetera, using a virtual keyboard. How important is the way a gadget looks, as opposed to its features? Features and functions are of prime importance for it to make an impact on the market. But for it to be a success in the long run, looks are imperative. Global development has led to markets becoming more complex and consumers more demanding. Is there a gadget you use as a stress-buster? I rely on my own mind to tackle stress. The mind has powers gadgets have not reached as yet. But if I had to use a gadget to bust stress I would go the game route, play hacking games. What elements in a cellphone impress you the most? The primary one of course is being able to talk for long hours, reducing the need to keep charging it (solar cells, perhaps?). Also, its user-friendly software and applications, which make it useful today. Nokia phones are the best in this respect. What's your most high-performance yet easy-to-handle gadget? My Apple Mac Mini, a laptop with great computational power and a beautiful interface. If you were on a desert island with one gadget, which would it be? It would be beautiful being close to nature! However, for connectivity and to try to get back I would want a satellite phone with Internet and a world map with GPS, of course. Is there a cherished gizmo you lost and still feel bad about? My wristwatch that had a radio transmitter. |