Aspiring to build an ear implant that can communicate with the brain, and also store and retrieve data, real time, Sumeet Sabharwal, managing director, Navisite India, seems to nurture a penchant for James Bond-like gadgets. Sabharwal wouldn't mind turning into an iPod shuffle provided it's clipped to someone hot. |
What are your favourite gadget? |
I am addicted to e-mail, thus my vote for my favourite gadget goes to the Blackberry 8800, and second place goes to the new Samsung U600 mobile phone. |
The next gadget on your must-buy list? |
An ultra-thin, sleek, multipurpose device that packs in a phone, e-mail, camera, an audio device complete with a built-in lie-detector. This way, I can filter all my conversations and know exactly when to hang up on someone. Nothing comes close, as yet, so I am sticking with my Blackberry 8800 for now. |
If you could build it, what dream gadget would you go for? |
A very small ear implant that can communicate directly with my brain would do me a world of good to enhance my limited memory. It should be able to store and retrieve data real time and download all the songs and data from the Internet that I consider worthwhile, without my having to tell it. |
If you were a gadget, what would you choose to be and why? |
An iPod shuffle clipped to the shirt of a famous, interesting personality. |
Which one of your gadgets was a complete waste of money? |
An Archos 604 portable video player that I got recently. Between downloading various additional pieces of software and buying accessories to upload movies, its novelty wore off quickly. |
If you could, whose computer would you hack? |
Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Computers. I would like to see all the interesting plans that his company has without losing sight on product innovation. |
Can you unwind with your gadgets? |
I like to unwind with a good movie on my recently installed home theatre system. This includes a Pioneer Elite 50-inch plasma and the Bose Lifestyle system. |
Your costliest contraption till date would be... |
My Audi A8, of course. It's a fun car to drive. |