Scientists at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur (IIT-Kgp), have undertaken a research work to find herbal cure for cancer. |
A team of scientists, headed by Ajoy Kumar Ray, head, department of electronics and technology, IIT-Kharagpur, are trying to clone and characterise the genes involved in cancer and gather their response to certain therapies, like herbal medicine. |
Manitosh Mandal, assistant professor of the department, who was associated with the M D Anderson Cancer Center, USA, for more than 12 years, said, some components of honey had been found beneficial for the treatment of colon cancer. |
Based on his preliminary investigations, Mandal has submitted a detailed project to the department of Science and Technology, for a Rs 40 lakh grant for continuing the project. |
The entire cost of the project would be close to Rs 1 crore and would take at least three years for arriving at a conclusion, Mandal said. "With some herbal medicines, we can increase the survival rate of cancer patients by two-three years," said Mandal. |
Presently, the research is being experimented on human cells line. |
Subsequently, it will be carried out on animals human beings. Recently, a team of scientists at the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, had found extracts of triphala, an Indian herb, useful for treatment of cancer. |
During the study, mice grafted with human pancreatic tumours were administered a triphala solution five days a week. |
When the researchers compared them with those in control group of mice after four weeks, they found that tumours in triphala - treated mice were half the size of those in the untreated mice. |
However, all the research works on herbal cure of cancer are still at rudimentary stages. |