In a befitting tribute to its co-founder and chairman, N R Narayana Murthy, who is set to retire in August, India’s second largest information technology services firm, Infosys, on Monday decided to rename it’s Mysore campus after him. The 337-acre campus which houses the company’s Global Education Centre (GEC) will henceforth be known as 'Narayana Murthy Centre of Excellence’.
Murthy, who co-founded Infosys in 1981 with six other people, is set to retire on August 21 after reaching 65. The company has already named K V Kamath, one of the independent directors of the company, as the new chairman.
“I spent many of my growing years in this city. This is the only town in the world where I know every street,” Murthy said, thanking the Infosys leadership for renaming the centre after him.
With a built-in area of 1.44 million square feet, Infosys GEC is said to be the largest corporate training centre in the world, which can train about 1,400 people at any given point of time.
Infosys has so far invested about Rs 2,055 crore in its Mysore centre of which Rs 350 crore has gone towards construction of software development blocks. The software development blocks located at Infosys’ Mysore campus houses around 7,000 people.