Infosys, which has been sitting on a cash reserve of Rs 7,933 crore, as on December 31, 2007, is looking at smaller and friendly acquisitions to complement its services offerings and customer base. |
Company CEO & MD S Gopalakrishnan said the company might consider larger acquisitions only if they fulfill the parameters. |
"We prefer smaller acquisitions in the range of $300-$500 million in revenues. But if there is a larger company or a product company that fits into some of the parameters, we would look at it," he said. |
He, however, said the company would look at a friendly acquisition, "not a hostile one". "We want to look at some companies, which are complementary in terms of services, customer base or in terms of industries. We want to make sure that we are able retain most of the employees. It must fit into the business model that we have, and our valuation must be right," he said. |
Infosys, last year, acquired Philips' finance and accounting BPO operations last year. |