After Dell India, around 28,000 Small and Medium Business (SMBs) in Nashik are on the radar of Microsoft. With an aim to strengthen its base in Nashik, the company is planning to target SMBs in the city. Microsoft has said it will work directly with select partners and distributors in the city to offer its end-to-end technology solutions to SMBs.
"According to a recent Microsoft SMB Insight Report, SMBs are indicating an intention to leverage technology to reduce costs and Microsoft will work with SMBs in Nashik city to make their business processes more efficient and improve their employee productivity," the company official said.
To come closer to businesses in Nashik; Microsoft will now offer unified and simplified experience to its customers across multiple platforms. Microsoft has already been present in Nashik through retail channel with their retail products. It will now provide its end-to-end products and technologies - productivity suites, server and development tools under one roof making it easier for customers to acquire Microsoft technologies and leverage it.
"Microsoft offers the largest breadth of offerings which are most interoperable. Increasing number of SMBs are conscious of the opportunity that innovative solutions bring to them and a significant number are now looking at the additional benefits Cloud computing brings.
Along with working closely with SMBs in Nashik, the programme will help Microsoft raise its level of engagement with partners further by involving them closely in its business development and growth," he said.