Moser Baer India today claimed to have developed the world's first high speed 8x Blu-ray disc (BDR), which is a major breakthrough in next generation optical media formats. According to an official release issued by the company to the BSE today, the technology has been jointly developed along with recently acquired OM&T, the former R&D subsidiary of Philips. According to Ratul Puri, executive director, Moser Baer India, "This is a major achievement and it gives us a significant advantage in the fast growing next generation optical format market. Moreover, it vindicates our strategy of acquiring OM&T and adding their capabilities to the strong in-house R&D team to lead the technology development curve in the optical and photovoltaic space. The pioneering work in the Blu-ray format will further enhance our global leadership position." The development would enable end users to have a faster media that can record a 2-hour transmission equivalent of HD (High Definition) quality data in less than 15 minutes. The next generation formats have a capacity ranging from 15 GB to 50 GB and offer more than five to ten times the data storage capacity of standard DVD media. These next generation formats offer an ideal solution for reliable business backup, including medical and government imaging, photography, videography, as well as high definition video recording, the company release claims. The breakthrough in the technology development of high speed Blu ray disc format was recently presented at the 4th Blu-ray Disc Association (BDA) meeting held in Fukuoka in Japan." |