Motorola, a Lenovo-owned smartphone manufacturer, on September 10 launched the Moto G6 Plus in India at a price of Rs 22,499. The Amazon-exclusive smartphone goes on sale on September 10 at the e-commerce portal, and in offline retail stores. Unlike the international variant, the Indian model comes in one colour – Indigo black.
The company is offering up to Rs 3,000 cashback to customers on purchase of the Moto G6 Plus using Paytm Mall app in store. The company is also providing no-cost EMI on Bajaj Finserve, benefits of up to Rs 4,450 to Jio users, instant cashback worth Rs 2,200 in the form of recharge vouchers, Cleartrip cashback vouchers worth Rs 1,250 and Rs 1,000 AJIO shopping discount coupon.
The Moto G6 Plus is powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 630 system-on-chip, paired with 64GB of internal storage and 6GB of RAM. The phone sports 5.9-inch fullHD+ screen stretched in 18:9 aspect ratio. The phone features Dolby Audio pre-set equalisers for immersive audio output. The phone features glass-metal-glass design with 3D surface on back. It features dual camera module on the back featuring a 12-megapixel primary lens, mated with 5MP depth-sensing lens. The primary lens features dual autofocus pixel technology for fast focus and enhanced depth effects. It also features smart camera software, which includes spot colour mode, selective black and white mode, face unlock and QR code scanner. The phone also comes integrated with Google lens for object and landmark recognition.
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First Published: Sep 10 2018 | 1:26 PM IST