Pune-based software solutions provider Optra Systems has set up an innovation centre with an investment of Rs 10 crore. The centre will accommodate 150 professional including Software engineers, Bio-informaticians, medical doctors, mathematicians, quality regulators and research scientists.
Speaking on this occasion Abhijeet Gholap , president and CEO, Optra Systems said, "Life sciences and health care market rely heavily on innovations. This innovations lab will initially be focused on coming up with innovative ideas and product conceptualization before taking it to the next level. We will be more focused on software innovations for Drug Discovery and development as well as diagnostics. An investment of about Rs 10 crore is budgeted for this innovation lab for next 12 months as an initial investment.
Optra Systems is also providing solutions to University of Stanford and Harvard University on Bio Informatics, which include design and development of informatics solutions towards Human Genome Project.
Recenly, Optra Systems has started working with a leading university in USA to develop health care application (Ophthalmology Check up using Apple iPhone and Google ANDROID) It is developing health care applications on mobile platforms for clients in US and UK. Gholap added, "We are currently providing solutions to our clients leveraging our unique platforms. The 35 per cent of our revenues come from research and academic markets globally. Optra Systems will develop its own products which will cater to leading health care customers like GE and Thermo-Fisher. These products will be targeted at Life sciences , biotech markets and clinical trials."