The personal computer (PC) market in India grew 8.6 per cent in the quarter ended June, compared to the previous quarter, despite cost volatility. According to market research and analyst firm IDC, PC shipments in the quarter stood at 2.86 million, and the growth was primarily accounted for by the Tamil Nadu government’s free laptop programme for students.
“Despite the environment around costs being volatile and unpredictable, consumers continued to be demanding, which largely led to the PC market’s growth. Also, fulfilment for the Electronics Corporation of Tamil Nadu project in Tamil Nadu for the consecutive successive quarter ensued growth in the commercial PC market,” stated Kiran Kumar, senior IDC analyst.
In terms of vendors, Lenovo retained the top position, with a market share of 17.1 per cent. HP, with a share of 13.7 per cent, pipped Dell to the third slot. “HP’s success is largely owing to their linearity measures to lift the performance of channel partners, which resulted in constructive growth,” said Kumar. Despite high brand awareness in the country, Dell slipped to the third spot, as the vendor stuck to its strategy of playing in the mid- to high-end price bands, Kumar added.