Telephonic communication sensed a handicap in Himachal Pradesh over the past weekend, as S Tel mobile services suddenly collapsed in the hill state. The development, which continues, has led its lakhs of customers to believe that the mobile company has even stopped its services in Himachal Pradesh, even though there has been no official confirmation on the matter.
The state’s S Tel customers are currently not able to avail its service; worse they are unable to contact customer care for help even as the number of such an emergency service continues to display on their mobile phone sets. Customers say they have not received any communication from S Tel explaining why the network has gone silent. All that a call to any S Tel number in the state from another network would yield is a stock message: “The S Tel number you are trying to contact is switched of.” Locals newspaper reports said S Tel’s Himachal head office in New Shimla had no official available for comment. On Saturday, it only had security guards at its gates in the Himachal head office in New Shimla. The situation is crucial, considering that a lot of staffers have either left the company or have been asked to quit.
S Tel was one of the last to enter the crowded mobile market of Himachal Pradesh — more than two years ago. The state currently has a dozen or so mobile players. Until a few months ago, S Tel said it was the fastest growing mobile network in the state. Last April, the company claimed to have 4.27 lakh customers spread over 52 towns in nine of the state’s twelve districts. Customers now say they are “convinced” that the company has let them down badly. Many say they should have at least been informed in advance before the “shutting down” of services. The customers are also confused about how to avail mobile portability service as the network continues to remain silent.