Harit Nagpal led Direct-To-Home (DTH) operator Tata Sky has announced the launch of India’s first ultra high definition (UHD) or 4K set top box (STB) in India. Bookings for the 4K STBs are open and they are available at Rs 6,400 for new customers and Rs 5,900 for existing subscribers.
Apart from relaying 4K content, the box will showcase Standard Definition (SD) and High Definition (HD) channels.
Tata Sky 4K is a new generation set top box with the capability of delivering ultra high definition picture quality and Dolby Digital Plus 7.1 surround sound. 4K at 8.3 Megapixels (3840x2160) has approximately four times the pixels as that of 2K (1920x1080) the current HD standard, thus provides greater clarity and more vivid colours on screen for viewers.
The launch of the Tata Sky 4K set top box in the market has been timed just before the cricket matches. The launch plans were unveiled in July last year when Tata Sky showcased the first ever live FIFA World Cup Quarter final match in 4K.