Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), signed a $100 million (around Rs 490 crore) deal with 4UGroup, the holding company behind Phones 4U and other organisations in the UK telecommunication and financial services market place.
Under the agreement, TCS will provide a full range of IT and business change services to 4U Group including: service management; application support, maintenance, management and development; data centre and desktop services; helpdesk; networks and communications; business support; and management of all third party contracts for the organisation’s retail operations.
A S Lakshminarayanan, VP & country manager, UK & Ireland, at TCS, said: "It is testimony to our commitment to the UK market and to our ability to deliver the highest level of service to our customers.” TCS has around 4,800 people working in 65 locations in the UK.
“This relationship with TCS is part of our ongoing commitment to further enhance our business, deliver on our strategy and meet the ongoing needs of our customers,” said Darren Billings, chief technology officer, 4U Group.