Last November, ‘Mathura’, the boat owned by Tharanath Kunder from Malpe, a natural port in the Udupi district in Karnataka, sank off the Maharashtra Coast. Fortunately, the seven fishermen from Udupi, who were onboard Mathura, had a narrow escape. These fishermen included Vinod Harikantra, Mahesh, Lokesh, Shekhar, Gangadhar Jatga Mogera, Nagappa Narayan Harikanthra and Anil Gatabeera Harikant.
The seven panic-stricken fishermen were shouting and screaming for help as their boat got damaged and started sinking. Luckily for them, a nearby boat, Mahur, which had a BSNL-Skylo 2-way communication device, heard their call to rescue them in the nick of time.