Thomson recently launched a range of smart TVs in India at a time smart technology from both big and emerging brands has flooded the market. In an exclusive licensing agreement with Super Plastronics, the French brand launched its 43 UHD (ultra-high definition) 4K, 40 smart and 32 smart TVs in India, which will be available on Flipkart.
The Thomson LED Smart TV B9 is a perfect addition to progressive technology. Priced at a mere Rs 19,999 on Flipkart, the brand is capable of taking on similar products of rival companies such as Daiwa and Mi TV. Its enticing price
The Thomson LED Smart TV B9 is a perfect addition to progressive technology. Priced at a mere Rs 19,999 on Flipkart, the brand is capable of taking on similar products of rival companies such as Daiwa and Mi TV. Its enticing price