Wipro Infotech, the India and West Asian IT Business of Wipro Ltd and a provider of IT and business transformation services, on Thursday announced that it has won three State Mission Mode projects for Data Centres from Maharashtra, West Bengal and Gujarat respectively. A company statement said Wipro is also looking to win other projects from other States.
The projects assume significance in the light of State Data Centres (SDCs) emerging as one of the key elements of the core infrastructure required for the National eGov Plan (NeGP). Once integrated with the other infrastructure projects like State Wide Area Network (SWAN) and Common Service Centers (CSC), it would form the framework for roll out of various eGovernment services to citizens and the government.
The SDCs would host applications and provide G2G, G2B and G2C services. It would also act as the central repository for all data related to the state on citizen information, services portal and online services.
The Maharashtra project is for building the State Data Centre spread across approximately 3,000 sq feet including commissioning and managing the Data Centre for a period of five years. The West Bengal Project is for design, build and management of the West Bengal Data Centre (IT and non-IT components) for a period of five years. The Gujarat project is for the upgrade and commissioning of the Gujarat State Data Centre. The Gujarat SDC will act as the Disaster Recovery site for the localised applications running at four Mini Data Centres for providing online services to urban and rural citizens.
Commenting on the wins, Ranbir Singh, head, government vertical, Wipro said, “The government is focusing its energies on improving the delivery of services to citizens, transparently managing and reporting on public expenditure and improving the effectiveness of interactions within various government entities. We are delighted to be part of this national initiative in furthering the cause of effective governance.”