Xiaomi, the Chinese smartphone manufacturer, launched the Poco F1 in India today, under their new sub-brand Poco which stands for 'a little'. The Flipkart-exclusive smartphone is the most affordable smartphone to feature a Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 SoC and is a premium addition to the portfolio of parent Xiaomi, known mostly for its budget and mid-range smartphones.
In a recent media interaction, Xiaomi India Managing Director Manu Kumar Jain had said that the company was working on a premium smartphone, which would not be from the company’s existing portfolio, but a new offering designed specifically for Indian consumers. The Poco
In a recent media interaction, Xiaomi India Managing Director Manu Kumar Jain had said that the company was working on a premium smartphone, which would not be from the company’s existing portfolio, but a new offering designed specifically for Indian consumers. The Poco