A K Bhattacharya is a senior economic journalist with over four decades of experience. He is Business Standard's editorial director and a writer of a long-running column - Raisina Hill. He had set the bar for business reporting as the chief of bureau at the Economic Times in the early 1990s, when economic reforms raged. He had a ringside view to many other disruptions, creative and otherwise, during his four decades in journalism, a journey that started when he switched careers after a year of teaching.
A K Bhattacharya is a senior economic journalist with over four decades of experience. He is Business Standard's editorial director and a writer of a long-running column - Raisina Hill. He had set the bar for business reporting as the chief of bureau at the Economic Times in the early 1990s, when economic reforms raged. He had a ringside view to many other disruptions, creative and otherwise, during his four decades in journalism, a journey that started when he switched careers after a year of teaching.
Whatever may be their flaws and the adverse impact on industry or the Centre's finances, the food security and land acquisition Bills are likely to be seen by voters as people-friendly initiatives
Democracy does not progress by elections alone, says sociologist Dipankar Gupta but by an "elite of calling" that makes bold, transformative decisions
The 1990s team worked wonders because the leaders took care to build a tier of competent secretaries and advisors under them
If politicians are not even aware of the deep economic trouble a country is in, the crisis can only escalate and create bigger problems for politicians aspiring to gain power
An analysis of government's financial performance in the April-June period indicates the extent of the challenge that the finance minister faces
A rapidly deteriorating balance of payments may warrant that but the political climate is too risky
If the past is any guide, Arvind Mayaram is the front runner among the three reported candidates for central bank governorship
Tackling the daily movement of the rupee is a task better left to Mint Road rather than North Block
Historian Ayesha Jalal's biography of the writer captures the angst of a sensitive man forced to make choices that left him disillusioned
A Cabinet reshuffle aimed at streamlining the central ministries could help speed up long-overdue administrative reform
Rarely have the fortunes of a political party been so inversely related to the future of a few of its key leaders
The finance minister has achieved some impressive fiscal consolidation. Maybe he should raise the bar for next year
The removal of the law and railway ministers could have been a display of the prime minister's ultimate sign of authority. But this was presented by the Congress as part of a joint decision taken by D
Outsourcing government services to the private sector will work only if the system is monitored properly
The era of governance by committees and low-priced resources is over, says the Punjab deputy chief minister