Business Standard





Agnikalam: 2015-16 Union Budget - the must and the must not

The plausibility of a second Salt Tax March

Updated On : 17 Feb 2015 | 10:24 PM IST

Agnikalam: Inflation and interest rates: what is the Reserve Bank's policy?

A comprehensive technical framework needed, from which a more convincing policy could be demonstrated

Agnikalam: Inflation and interest rates: what is the Reserve Bank's policy?
Updated On : 06 Jan 2015 | 11:42 PM IST

Agnikalam: Anatomy of aswachh Bharat and alchemy to swachh

Swachh Bharat is a correct policy revival but will fail unless buttressed by a robust, palpable implementation structure

Agnikalam: Anatomy of aswachh Bharat and alchemy to swachh
Updated On : 17 Dec 2014 | 9:01 AM IST

Agnikalam: Is 25% of GDP from manufacturing robust policy?

Govt should instead identify areas where bulk of labour supply and need for economic infrastructure match

Agnikalam: Is 25% of GDP from manufacturing robust policy?
Updated On : 18 Nov 2014 | 10:29 PM IST

Agnikalam: India's strategy - both Japan and China? The answer is no!

We need to reduce our trade deficit with China and make a clear turn exclusively towards Japan

Agnikalam: India's strategy - both Japan and China? The answer is no!
Updated On : 15 Oct 2014 | 10:56 PM IST

Agnikalam: The India-Pakistan phenomenon - ready for economic deconstruction

Fully free trade with Pakistan will hopefully abate its relentless compulsions for attack

Agnikalam: The India-Pakistan phenomenon - ready for economic deconstruction
Updated On : 15 Sep 2014 | 11:07 PM IST

Agnikalam: Developed and developing societies: a behavioural hypothesis

The impact of 'family first' on productivity in developing societies is yet to be modelled

Updated On : 18 Aug 2014 | 10:08 PM IST

Agnikalam: Indian Railways - nostalgia and reality

Travelling by rail in India was once a pleasure, but has now become a forbidding challenge

Updated On : 23 Jul 2014 | 10:10 PM IST