Two recent studies suggest organised sector has been an impressive job-creator but the validity of these estimates is open to question
Real improvement in employment conditions in India can only come from economic growth
By expanding the space for foreign portfolio investors, the government is reducing its own autonomy of policy making
Policies to revive India's manufacturing must examine the nature of the workforce's skills deficit - and recognise that export-led growth may no longer be possible
Manufacturing-led growth is essential. Any attempt to revive services-led growth would cause severe balance of payments difficulties to re-emerge
A combination of lower interest rate and a lower fiscal deficit is a better policy mix
Only manufacturing-led growth can create productive jobs, and not just for the new labour force
The world economy's continued dependence on the US dollar makes it prone to crises
Clearing up a few basic misconceptions about the nature of unemployment and underemployment in India
Resumption of rapid GDP expansion requires accelerated growth of the production and export of manufactures
While economic growth may reduce poverty, no systematic correlation between the pace of poverty decline and the pace of economic growth can be found in the data