Succession planning, sibling rivalry and dispute among family members can lead to difficult situations
Audit committee's passive approach could dilute the effectiveness of audit reforms introduced by the Companies Act 2013
In family-managed business groups, the monitoring role of independent directors is secondary and the advisory role is primary
Banks need to ensure that the new promoter adopts good corporate governance practices
In a well-governed company, the management and the board focus on making the company resilient
Culture of accepting failures reduces motivation to violate ethical standards
Most corporate social responsibility initiatives are linked to business strategy
The 140-year-old pillar of Japan Inc is caught up in the country's biggest accounting scandal since 2011
When the government assumes control, it will endeavour to bring uniformity in the functioning of all IIMs
Internal banking within a business group is a traditional and well-known practice recognised by law
Value of a firm depends on its ability to generate free cash flows over a long period of time
Most companies are not yet ready to adopt best practices and comply with provisions only in letter, not spirit
The committee seldom reviews financial statements in detail; with IndAS in place, this practice has to change
Intensive engagement with the internal auditor is needed to understand challenges it faces in achieving excellence
There is strength in the argument that inclusion of non-independent directors' views in board evaluation will distort the result
Rejection of important RPT, which is not abusive, by a small group of minority shareholders is likely to hurt the company
Companies Act 2013 can't deter removal of an independent director from a company with concentration of ownership
Achieving quality corporate governance is possible through innovative solutions
In the new regime, the controlling shareholder has to build a strong relationship of trust with minority shareholders