China's hope of resuming more sustainable market-based economic growth may be belied
Putin's latest global moves should be seen in the context of a possible ouster from power back home
Given the limited military options to contain ISIS, how to prevent its jihadism from spreading?
With the Greek bailout agreement, the unravelling of Germany's "virtual empire" seems imminent
With the possible exit of Greece from the euro zone, the disintegration of a 'virtual empire' is likely
How the United Kingdom shows that fiscal consolidation is economically and politically beneficial
The sanctions that have brought Iran to the negotiating table should not be removed until a better deal is negotiated
The world is left with the disorder that Mr Obama's reliance on rhetoric rather than the robust action expected of a superpower has provoked
The influence of the Magna Carta continues to be felt, even in the 21st century
The Modi government is right to crack down on foreign financing of environmental NGOs
A two-state solution looks increasingly unlikely - and, for Israel, unnecessary
No free society can eliminate inequality
Why the best hope for an Islamic enlightenment comes from the Shia clerics of Iraq
What can the history of the European enlightenments tell us about the chances of an Islamic enlightenment?
How intimations from the past help explain the spread of the ISIS
The tension between the cosmopolitanism of a new global elite, and old-style nationalism
Across West Asia, the old bonds of tribe and creed are causing states to unravel
For the new dispensation, moving away from statism is highly desirable - but unlikely
The long, uneasy route from representative to constitutional democracy
Why representative democracy is staring at a less-than-secure future