Or will he, as is being widely speculated, announce a major scheme on the lines of Telangana's Rythu Bandu in his budget in order to sway the electorate?
More than 40% of these are in West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, and Maharashtra
On the capital side, off-budget financing of railways carried out through IRFC borrowings are outside budgetary control
Even as GVA growth slowed down in FY17, the number of workers employed by factories rose by 4.7 per cent to 11.6 million in FY17, up from 1.11 crore in FY16
One of the earliest proponents of shifting to a UBI architecture in India was economist Pranab Bardhan
Fake companies are floated with the intention to fraudulently pass on input tax credit by issuing fake invoices without any supply of goods
Nominal GDP though is expected to grow at a healthy 12.3 per cent in FY19, against the Union Budget's assumption of 11.5 per cent
The report also suggested gross non-performing assets (GNPAs) of the PSBs may have peaked in March 2018
Adjusting for tax devolution to states, the Centre is possibly staring at a shortfall of Rs 58,000 crore
The government announced that it would exempt from tax all New Pension Scheme withdrawals
Creation of another regulator for payments has its own challenges, especially lack of expertise. Such a body can also become playground for senior bureaucrats looking for sinecures post retirement
On November 5, debt totaling Rs 113.8 billion is set to mature, while on November 26, debt worth Rs 147 billion is coming up for redemption
Data up to the end of September 2018 shows that of the total 1,198 cases that have been admitted into insolvency proceedings so far, 816 are undergoing resolution
On the impact of rising crude oil prices, the RBI estimates that a 10 per cent increase in crude oil prices pushes the headline inflation rate up by 13 bps
Many of the remaining 11 contenders are also in a precarious position; Indian Bank appears to be the only one to have the financial muscle to absorb some of the bleeders
The target for each state is based on the revenues that should flow to the state so that it does not need to be compensated for any loss in revenues from GST through the compensation cess
India ranks 130 out of 189 countries in the latest human development rankings released by the UNDP
Of the teachers in India's higher education ecosystem, 58 per cent are male; Bihar has the most skewed gender balance
Excluding RIL, capital spending by the remaining firms rose to Rs 3.8 trillion at the end of 2017-18
Manufacturing grew at 13.5% in Q1FY19 aided by a low base effect