The German govt gave a cautious welcome to a draft deal, but some uncertainties remain
The system would be "euro-denominated but at the drop of a hat it could be converted into a new drachma," the former finance minister, Yanis Varoufakis, said
Ferdinand Piƫch's departure resolves an internal power struggle at Volkswagen but not the formidable challenges that the automaker faces
Volkswagen says that 'the mutual trust necessary for successful cooperation no longer exists' on the supervisory board
The central bank still needs to decide the amount and the mix of bonds, including whether riskier nations such as Greece should be avoided
The bank is expected to soon unveil plans for an even broader program of large-scale buying of government debt, or so-called quantitative easing, and the decision could diminish the potential legal hu
Is Mario Draghi about to launch into a real bond-buying programme - and has he left it too late?
The US has long argued that markets should determine the value of currencies and criticised nations that try to manipulate exchange rates
Keeps benchmark rate at 0.75% intervention in bond market may lower borrowing costs