We have a government with an extremely weak economic team advising a PM who hardly pays attention to their thoughts, writes Jayanta Roy
The European Union and the US are not ideal for us to get into a binding FTA
We urgently need an institutional reform for trade policy. We need our PM to directly be involved with the new institutions.
What is the reason for sudden change of mind and deciding to not join RCEP?
India should quickly implement these reforms to revive the lost export momentum and spur high, inclusive growth to create jobs.
India cannot benefit from any trade deal without first putting its domestic house in order
It is high time that the government focused on a trade policy to help sustain high long-term growth and create jobs
It is high time that India develops a bold and well-focused 21st century regionalism to regain its lost export momentum
India's current per capita income is less than a third of Thailand's, and less than a sixth of Malaysia's
It is time India deviates from the WTO-dominated consensus approach to trade negotiations, and adapts to the new landscape dominated by global value chains and mega-regional agreements
Pulling the neglected millions out of poverty will require massive investments in human capital
With the right policies in place, India can create an entirely new generation of skilled citizens that drives export growth and job opportunities
The 2016-17 Budget needs to be a game changer but this calls for substantial political will
Remembering the early days of brain circulation between multilateral organisations and India
An apex entity mandated by the prime minister to decide on trade and investment strategy is needed
Data analytics and management will emerge as a huge area of opportunity in professional services exports for India
If India does not seize the opportunity to deal with outstanding trade issues, it will be left behind in the new global trade environment
If we want to be a major global player we need to conform to the highest standards of global trade policy, and not seek concessions. Trade facilitation needs top priority
How to embed India in global value chains. And why it matters
The Budget must feature key elements of the pending trade and business facilitation reforms to reduce the massive trade transaction costs plaguing the Indian economy