If European leaders want to follow through on their statements in support of Ukraine, they must seize the moment by seizing Russia's assets
Although the US has long led the world in advancing basic science and technology, it is hard to see how this can continue under Mr Trump
Government deficits are the difference between annual revenues and expenditures, and the national debt is the sum of past deficits
Surcharges neither ensure repayment nor protect IMF finances. Their main effect is to increase the burden of debt payments precisely when countries can least afford it
Mr Trump's long track record of refusing to pay vendors and contractors speaks to his character: He is a bully who will use whatever power he has to rob whoever he can
Assessing a President's management of the economy is always a tricky business, because many developments will have been set in motion by one's predecessors
While scandals, culture wars, and threats to democracy dominate the headlines, the biggest issues in this super election year ultimately concern economic policies
Tech firms realise that open debate favours consumer data security concerns, so they try to ensure no such debate could ever occur
Future climate-change COPs can focus on other consequential issues, rather than on crafting the right mix of hollow words that everyone can agree on
The same principle that applies to individuals committing torts should be applied to nations
Given strong odds that we will face another pandemic, the world is rightly engaged in discussions about how to do better next time. But the latest UN agreement on the issue offers mere platitudes
The Fed, like other independent central banks, jealously guards its credibility
Wars inevitably cause shortages and generate windfall gains for some at the expense of others
The credibility gap is even wider when it comes to climate change, which disproportionately affects those in the Global South who have the least ability to cope
The climate crisis demands enormous economic and societal changes
The Covid vaccines have been developed by scientists from all over the world. It is only proper that the people of the world should reap the benefits
Political leaders in the developed world must recognise that no one is safe until everyone is safe, and that a healthy global economy is not possible without a strong recovery everywhere
The negotiating process has, nonetheless, reached agreement that multinationals should be considered unitary businesses
The world needs more than Trump's narrow transactional approach; so does the US
Without an overwhelming victory for Democrats at all levels, Republican minority rule will be locked in indefinitely