Nemaida's misfortune in life was to be known as Satyajit Ray's "Boswell"; History will remember Gujral as a renaissance man whose imprint over New Delhi is huge
We're an educated family, I said, let's not act like the mindless hordes who spread misinformation over WhatsApp
Does art heal? Evidence would point towards that, and it seems the chain hospitals are taking cognizance of it
If offices across Delhi NCR were hostage to the pandemic, the fear of illness turned our house into a war zone, writes Kishore Singh
The wait-and-watch tenterhooks of the art world is sending shivers down its collective spine
California now has the largest number of cases testing positive for coronavirus in the US
The mind makes its own connections, associating prohibition somewhat organically with vegetarianism
Eavesdropping over conversations, I can state with some authority that the transition from a winter body to a summer one is proving traumatic for most, the winter wardrobe chastened by the summer one
This is the largest single-owner sale of Indian modern art, but it is for reasons other than this historicity that it will be remembered
Kishore foresees further car-pooling likely to face a hurdle in the foreseeable future.
Quite different from Reddy's sexually intimidating sculptures is Sudipta Das's migratory juggernaut
When not in the company of women, men turn always to their favourite conversation - politics
'Waging battle over a jar of marmalade seemed petty beyond belief so I simply lost my craving for the preserve,' the author writes
Padamsee, unlike several of his peers from the Progressive Artists Group, lived to see his success as well as his contribution to the field of art
Tomorrow is another breakfast day
In a depressed market, the Indian art world's big annual event will play safe instead of cutting-edge, pretty rather than zany
At Dinner Place 1, my wife refused to leave till the last meal of 2019 had been served and then told our hosts we had to go since I had stupidly promised to be elsewhere
I hope to wake to a breakfast I can pluck off the vegetable patch, with milk directly from a buffalo - while the rest of the family, and the world, nurses hangovers
The farcicality should be obvious to everyone, but artists and art writers can be persuasive about the 'meaning' of such work, laying it at the altar of high art
Everyone one loves a Bhagat Singh but does not want to be one