Low prices add to farmers' woes; acreage for the crop likely to fall this year
An adequate sunshine is conducive for a high yield of paddy but the cost of extracting underground water effects net income of the farmers
It has risen from 415 kg of lint a hectare in 2007-08 to 785 kg projected in 2013-14
With fears of a monsoon deficit due to a possible El NiƱo effect, a balance of 14 mt of wheat is comfortable stock: sources
In northern states the area under paddy is being diversified towards cotton as the cost of cultivation of paddy is higher than cotton
Procurement by FCI stood at 26.67 million tonnes as on Friday, compared with 25.42 mt during the corresponding period last year
Sources in Apeda said there were indications of a 5 to 10% rise
Rival parties in Haryana are more worried as all BJP candidates won by huge margins
Many modern-age lifestyle diseases can be prevented by consuming the citrus fruit. Punjab is the highest producer of kinnow in India
As of May 4, wheat procurement by FCI and other government agencies stood at 22.6 mt, against 22.5 in the year-ago period
Prospective women entrepreneurs often are ignorant of the RBI guideline that no collateral is required for bank loans of up to Rs 1 cr in the micro and small enterprise sector
The flourishing market for kinnow in the southern states of India has driven the farmers in north to increase area under kinnow
The Chinese currency, the yuan, is depreciating, making imports costlier
Small players also experimenting with these cost effective solutions
Lesser dependence on hired storage indicates lesser cost burden on the government.
Interview with President, Saarc Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Dixit set up the company's online portal (www.sheepstop.com) and retail operations all by herself
While procurement is scheduled to start in Punjab and Haryana on April 1, arrivals of early-sowing varieties have softened prices