Interview with professor of marketing, Wharton, University of Pennsylvania
In a slow market, FMCG companies are using handheld devices to shorten their stock replenishment cycles and keep costs on a tight leash
Interview with Philip H Knight professor and dean, Stanford Graduate School of Business
If you're looking for a reason to be optimistic about technology and the future, read this book
What has been the most interesting sales promotion you have engineered so far?
Interview with, MD, Asia Pacific Benefits Towers Watson
Interview with, Category director, beverages & candy, consumer insight and strategy, Mondelez International
The show has persevered as one of the longest branded formats, despite hiccups and changes in the product's positioning over the years
Interview with COO, PVR Cinemas
Interview with, Strategic messaging director, big data, IBM
Taking the challenge route in advertising gets you consumer attention, but there are also situations in which an attack is answered with a counter-attack
HP has used a combination of price cuts and home delivery of cartridges to arrest market share erosion in the printer business
Interview with chief commercial officer, Tata Sky
Interview with Global planning director, Maxus
Award ceremonies are all pomp & show; they don't really reward excellence anymore
While unbundling prices remember that the final choice has to rest with the consumer
A brief history of the enterprise
Much like Facebook where brands host their own pages to serve as a community platform for users to congregate and interact with the brand, marketers are using YouTube to host individual brand 'channel
Interview with Nilesh Gupta, Managing Partner, Vijay Sales