What if they gave a nuclear war and nobody came?
Mad at Pakistan? Writing it down helps cool the brain
Or, why homeless musicians are a thing
The Olympics have inspired me to start exercising again
We're young, so why do we feel so outdated?
It was nice knowing you
Hindu chauvinism may prove to be its own downfall
This is certainly a nice school I apparently went to
The trust deficit in Kashmir comes from the empathy deficit
Tracking mountain gorillas in Rwanda is worth every nettle sting
No reality, please, we're Indian
The Modi Sarkar is going through the terrible twos
Holidays are good for your health
Any resemblance to real life is purely coincidental on Indian TV
There's one vowel between you and irrelevance
Middle-aged exuberance is not a thing
Case after case shows that seeking empowerment is still not a woman's place
Let's stop banging on about education, when what we really do well is stupidity
All kinds of progress and change happen only when you speak your mind irrespective of what other people might think